The DSMC method has been developed by G.A.Bird in Australia. By the way, the bird above is just a painting of a swallow.
Introduction to the direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method
直接シミュレーションモンテカルロ (DSMC) 法による流れの数値解析
<Can be done at home>
Numerical analysis of flow by direct simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method
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文責 Responsible person for this blog
宇佐美 勝 Masaru Usami
私のHP(ブログ)の中の記述や結果の図については,断りなく転載していただいて結構ですが,出典元 ‘DSMC calculation by M.Usami (’ を明示していただくようお願いいたします.
You may reproduce the descriptions and results figures on my website (blog) without permission, but please make sure to clearly indicate the source, ‘DSMC calculation by M.Usami (’.
さらに多くのツバメの写真はここに.More pictures of swallows can be found here.